Chat history (Agent, Users, Bots)
Convrs offers your centrally managed conversations to be recorded ensuring GDPR compliance. For that reason, we provide organizations access to all message history.
Before we go into more detail, we must understand that our platform has Agents and Bots that communicate with Users. That is why we offer three separate data sets to search our information—one for Agents, one for Bots & Users, and one for users.
Please note that the Date Time shown on this page is using the UTC timezone.
Agent Chat History
You can access a specific agent's chat history here. See information such as Date, User ID, Message Type, Message ID, Message, and Translate Message.
This shows the messages between agents and users.

Once you hit enter, you will have information on the user's message that an agent sent to a customer (User ID). You can also view the translated text if they use the translation function. To view the transcript on the user's end, just click on the User ID.

User Chat History
On this page, you can view the transcript primarily through the User's (or customer's) name or email address. A function will pop up with possible results to help you autocomplete the information.
This shows the recorded messages between the users and agents within your Organization.

Once you hit enter, you will have information on the user on their message that an agent sent and understand if they were sent by either the user or the agent.

User & Bot Chat History
Access the user vis-a-vis bot history by typing in either the user's name or email address on the search bar provided.
These are transcripts of the interaction between the bot, the user, and the agent. It will enable the Organization to understand what the bot sent (that is if there is flow running) versus what the user or agent sent.

Once you hit enter, you will have information on the messages that a bot and an agent sent to a customer.

On the “Search” section, you can also have the option to filter your searches by “User ID”.
