My Profile
Every agent onboarded in Convrs will have access to their profile. This may be accessed through the side menu or on the top right corner of their screen.
Each one may update their general settings, password, and notification options.
Update Profile
Once an agent profile is created, an agent can only modify the following fields:
- Their name reflected on the dashboard
- Their public name reflected in web chat
- Their primary language used for auto-translate
- Their landline and/or mobile phone numbers (these fields are optional)
As an Administrator or someone who has other agent management rights, you may update the rest of the fields, except for their email and username, via the Manage Agent page.

Update Password
Everyone is encouraged to change their password upon their first login.
- Current password: This will be the password that you were given initially. If the agent forgot the password, you can force a reset on the Agent Management - Manage agent menu.
- New password: Here, you can set up the new password. This password will follow the password policies determined by the Admin dashboard.
Don't forget to click on save changes.
Chat Notifications
Go to My Profile and choose the Notifications tab. All of these functions are enabled as default.
To ensure that the notifications are working, check that your browser is not blocking or prohibiting Convrs, as well as accepting the associated system notifications. Please note that you are only able to receive notifications if you are logged on to the Convrs dashboard.
