Roles and Permissions
Available Permissions
Below are the permissions and the roles that typically have access to them. Please note that permissions vis-a-vis roles can be edited and updated to best suit your needs.
Agent Block User, Agent Chat, Agent Chat Allow Own Replies, Agent Chat Allow Close All, Agent Chat Allow Translate, Agent Profile Editing, Agent Unblock User, Chats My, Manage Phones, SMS Outbound, Users, WhatsApp, WhatsApp API
Accept Waiting, Agent Block User, Agent Chat, Agent Chat Allow Own Replies, Agent Chat Allow Close All, Agent Chat Allow Translate, Agent Management Add Agent, Agent Management Agent Status, Agent Management Chat History, Agent Management Edit Agent, Agent Management Replies, Agent Management User Chat History, Agent Profile Editing, Agent Supervise, Agent Unblock User, Chats All, Chats My, Manage Phones, Reports, SMS Outbound, Team Status, Unstick User, Users, WhatsApp, WhatsApp API
All available permissions.
Agent Management Chat History, Agent Profile Editing, Integration Facebook, Manage Phones
Agent Chat, Agent Management Chat History, Agent Management Replies, Agent Management User Chat History, Agent Profile Editing, Agent Supervise, Chats All, Reports, Users
You may also download the comprehensive list with definitions here.
Create a New Role
If there is a role that you want to add, go to Administration > Roles and Permissions. Add the role name, and press Create New Role.

If you need further assistance, kindly get in touch with your representative.
Grant or Update Permissions for a Specific Role
Go to Administration > Roles and Permissions and choose the role you'd like to update.
The left table indicated the available permission not yet granted to the specific role while the right table indicates the current permissions the role has. To add permissions, click on the item/s you would like to grant and press on the single arrow. Press the Update Permissions for Role button once all of the items you want to add are moved.
