The Compliant Messaging Solution for Financial Services

Elevate customer experiences, optimize reach and conversions, enhance engagement, and ensure GDPR-compliant interactions with omnichannel messaging solutions powered by Convrs. Explore how you can leverage messaging apps to enhance customer engagement, streamline communication, and boost efficiency across business units.

financial services and messaging apps

Power up your messaging and engagement processes for optimum business results

Whether you're a bank, a neobank, a lending firm, an equities broker, or a payment company, we are here to help you better engage clients by leveraging the power of messaging apps for business.
Financial Services Work
1Enrich customer experience

Not all customer service softwares truly utilize messaging apps and live chat like Convrs.

Financial Services Work
2Improve reach and conversion

Support ticketing system software via messaging apps rather than just email.

Financial Services Work
3Level up engagement

Take your CRM software and Client Relationship Management to new heights.

Harness the power of messaging apps

Connect with your customers through their favorite messaging channels
WebChat logo
Messenger logo
WhatsApp logo
Telegram logo
Viber logo
Line logo
X logo
Instagram logo
Discord logo
SMS logo
Omnichannel Messaging

Expand accessibility and reach with multiple channels for communication

Allow potential customers to reach you easily and grant existing customers more convenience by offering multple contact options. With the monthly active users of top messaging apps reaching almost 6 billion collectively, it is undoubtedly why consumers are also preferring instant messaging through messaging apps as a means for contacting businesses!

Maximize this opportunity with Convrs. Enable omnichannel messaging by offering multiple modes of contact on your website such as messaging apps, web chat, and SMS, with the Omnichannel Live Chat.

Financial Service showing a 110% increace in the number of people communicating over messaging apps to business

Manage all messages across platforms in one centralized inbox

Overwhelmed by Inquiries and messages coming from different directions? Don’t fret. With the Omnichannel Inbox you can manage all messages in just one place, set up message handling processes from the get-go, monitor customer-agent chats, and track team performances all for better message management, sales conversions and customer support.

Financial services using one omnichannel inbox connecting to business by messaging

Ensure GDPR-compliant messaging

Do compliance uncertainties set you back from utlizing messaging apps for your company?

Eliminate regulatory risks brought about by unmonitored agent conversations made using their personal devices – all conversations done within the Convrs Omnichannel Platform are logged for easy supervision and monitoring. Transcripts may also be written to a user record in a CRM for data organization and reference.

Enjoy compliant-ready messaging with Convrs so you can maximize the opportunities brought by messaging apps securely and worry-free.

Financial inbox logo - connecting people to business by messaging

Up business efficiency by automating smart processes

With custom Chatbots from Convrs, you can set smart flows and automate a variety of conversations, services, and processes based on your business needs.

Beyond efficiency from reduced turnaround times, bottlenecks, and man hours, smart bots empower customers by enabling self-service and 24/7 helpdesks, improving customer service and experience overall.

Here are some of the functions of smart bots we can help set up for you:

  • Automate account notifications

  • Make answers to frequently asked questions available in an instant
  • Route messages straight to the right teams for immediate handling
Financial inbox logo - connecting people to business by messaging

Push account alerts and relevant content

Disseminate important announcements, account-related notifications, and relevant content with the Publisher from the Convrs Omnichannel Platform. Whether you wish to automate push notifications, schedule publishing ahead of time, or send messages at will, you can do so easily with Push Messaging from Convrs.

Disseminate important announcements, account-related notifications using the WhatsApp Business API

Cater to customer preferences with personalized messaging

Build a stronger brand presence by sending relevant and personalized content to your customers on their favorite messaging apps. Deliver a better customer experience by allowing customers the ability to determine "what" they are sent, "when" it is sent, and "how" it is received.

Build a stronger brand presence by sending relevant and personalized content to your customers on their favorite messaging apps

Other Financial Services-favorite platform features

Agent Oversight
Access active chats of agents to help manage responses and take necessary action on their behalf when needed.
Agent & User Chat History
Access completely documented chat histories of both agents and users for monitoring and compliance.
CRM Integration
Integrate the Convrs Omnichannel Platform with your existing CRM software for in sync database and operations across business units.
Insights & Reports
Monitor agent and team performance with dashboard insights and generate reports designed to help your business units keep track of important metrics and user data.
WhatsApp Business API & Outbound
Allow customers to reach you through the WhatsApp Business API or do proactive outreach to prospects and customers through the Convrs proprietary WhatsApp outbound solution.
Real-Time Translations
Engage in multilingual conversations with customers across the globe anytime, with ease.

Available messaging channels

Connect with your customers through their favorite messaging apps
WebChat logo
Messenger logo
WhatsApp logo
Telegram logo
Viber logo
Line logo
X logo
Instagram logo
Discord logo
SMS logo
Omnichannel Messaging

Confidently harness the power of messaging apps for business with compliant-ready messaging

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