The Key Messaging Solution for Service-Driven Contact Centers

Leverage the power of messaging apps for better customer engagement and team efficiency. Streamline operations, enhance productivity, and ensure consistent, high-quality service across communication channels with Convrs.

Using Comvrs for contact centers

Be equipped with smart engagement tools that further customer success and empower your team

Complement your voice and email support offerings with messaging apps. With rising attrition rates for voice profile jobs, Convrs aims to bring contact centers solutions that boost employee productivity and efficiency.
Contact Centers Work
1Streamline customer service

Help desk and customer service software for digital consumers.

Contact Centers Work
2Improve team efficiency

Chatbots and omnichannel inbox for exceptional customer service.

Contact Centers Work
3Boost recruitment

Meet clients and potential staff in their favored communication channels like WhatsApp.

Manage all messages across platforms in one centralized inbox

With contact centers receiving endless messages and queries daily, having a message management system is a must to ensure fluid operations. This is where the Omnichannel Inbox comes in. It acts like a funnel – it collects all messages from all over the place and lets you manage them all in one place. But beyond this, it also enables you to set automated messaging flows and conversations, data collection and processing, among others, for streamlined message and case management vital to successful operations.

Manage all messages across platforms in one centralized inbox

Expand accessibility and reach with omnichannel messaging

Convrs helps improve customer service by introducing a better way to communicate with their customers for support-related concerns. Instead of having to call and wait for a long time in queue, customers can readily initiate a live chat with an agent on a messaging platform that is most convenient to them. On your end, agents can respond and manage multiple customer conversations at any time.

Expand accessibility and reach with omnichannel messagingg

Direct messages straight to the right teams and agents

In this line of business, relying heavily on agents or human teams to triage and sort the consistent influx of messages will drastically pull down operational efficiency and even employee morale. With Convrs, custom flows can be set so different messages can automatically be sent straight to the right teams for immediate handling and higher productivity. Whether the routing be based on the nature of the request, location, messaging channel, or even language, you decide on what works best for your internal system and we will help set it up for you.

Contact Center inbox logo - connecting people to business by messaging

Supervise agent conversations

Particularly relevant during trainings and even beyond as needed, the Convrs Omnichannel Platform allows monitoring and supervision of all agent chats. Supervisors can easily manage case handling with features like transfer chats and whispers (messages seen only by agents within client conversation threads). All agent-customer conversations are logged and may be viewed by supervisors in the platform as applicable.

Contact Center inbox logo - connecting people to business by messaging

Reduce man hours and boost agent productivity with smart automations

In the service industry, the goal is to continuously refine existing processes to achieve operational efficiency because with this comes better customer service and cost savings. One way this can be achieved is by identifying current bottlenecks and repetitive actions that eat up unnecessary time from teams or agents. Once these have been identified, letting technology work for you is the next step. With custom chatbots and smart automations powered by Convrs, you can turn troublesome speed bumps into process highways.

Here are some of the automations we can help set up for you:

  • Make answers to frequently asked questions available in an instant
  • Route messages straight to the right teams for immediate handling
  • Account information self-service

In the service industry, the goal is to continuously refine existing processes to achieve operational efficiency because with this comes better customer service and cost savings.

Boost recruitment with the power of messaging apps

Massive recruitment is one of the basic needs of contact centers. And if we harness the power of messaging apps for sales, marketing and customer service, it can definitely be used for generating more recruitment candidates and conversion to hires as well.

With a mind-blowing message open rate that is 35 times more than that of emails, engaging potential hires in messaging apps can effectively boost recruitment. And with Chatbots from Convrs, smart messaging flows can be created to automate data collection for recruitment leads, and more.

Contact Center inbox logo - connecting people to business by messaging

Publish alerts, notifications, and relevant content in scale

Easily push content to a massive audience or wide customer base with the Convrs Push Messaging intuitive Publisher. Whether it be sending account notifications, urgent announcements and reminders, or personalized content for engagement, Convrs enables you to manage these with several options – automated, scheduled or manual publishing.

Contact Center inbox logo - connecting people to business by messaging

Other Contact Center-favorite platform features

Real-Time Translation
Engage in multilingual conversations with customers across the globe anytime, with ease.
Asynchronous Messaging
With this in place, agents are allowed to prioritize customer concerns and respond first to matters that require urgency.
CRM Integration
Integrate the Convrs Omnichannel Platform with your existing CRM software for in-sync database and operations across business units.
GDPR-Compliant Messaging
Leverage the power of messaging apps securely and worry-free. All client-agent conversations across available messaging channels within Convrs are consolidated and logged for easy supervision and compliance monitoring.
Agent & User Chat History
Access completely documented chat histories of both agents and users for monitoring and compliance.
Insights & Reports
Monitor agent and team performance with dashboard insights and generate reports designed to help your business units keep track of important metrics and user data.

Available messaging channels

Connect with your customers through their favorite messaging apps
WebChat logo
Messenger logo
WhatsApp logo
Telegram logo
Viber logo
Line logo
X logo
Instagram logo
Discord logo
SMS logo
Omnichannel Messaging

Upgrade your engagement solution to deliver excellent customer service and business results

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