Leverage the Power of Live Chat for Your Business

Use Live Chat powered by Convrs to streamline business processes and maximize business results.

Live Chat for light and efficient customer experiences

Enable easy and convenient customer interactions that build up business results

Offer Live Chat as a mode of contacting your business to cater to customer wants and needs and enable more efficient Customer Service, Sales, and Marketing processes.
1Accessible and Convenient

Live Chat powered by Convrs Omnichannel Live Chat allows your website visitors to converse with your business right then and there, paving the way for a quick and easy connection. Technical-wise, the Omnichannel Live Chat web widget itself is light and efficient, allowing your web page to load quickly without pulling down your site’s SEO page score.


The Omnichannel Live Chat widget can be easily customized to match the look and feel of your website. A pop-up message for your widget can also be set to greet website visitors to offer help and encourage interaction from the get-go. But on top of these, custom messaging flows can be created for your Live Chat AI chatbot to carry out intended business processes and deliver a distinct brand conversational experience.


Built to support and feature complex messaging flows, chatbots can be deployed to your Live Chat channel to facilitate automated 1-to-1 conversations in scale. Through this, you can enable self-service and manage huge messaging efforts and demands smoothly.

Live chat is no longer just a nice-to-have for businesses

Did you know that 77% of customers won’t make a purchase on a website that does not offer live chat? The majority of customers say that they prefer having live chat as a means of contacting businesses because of the immediacy it offers. And quite possible because of this reason, a separate study showed that 63% of customers are more likely to revisit a website that has live chat.

With its rising trend in preference and customer satisfaction over traditional modes of contact such as email and phone calls, live chat has definitely become a must-have for businesses.

An illustration of data highlighting the positive implications of offering live chat on a business website

Offer forms within Live Chat for convenient data input and collection

With the Convrs Live Chat, custom formatted forms can be created to collect information straight up on your chat window. With Convrs, your form message, data fields, and functions can be tailored to meet your specific business needs. From enabling in-chat sign-ups, getting contact information for follow-up purposes, to account verification and so much more, we can surely help do it for you.

  • Simple and straightforward experience for customers

  • Integrate into your AI chatbot messaging flow for automated data collection at any part of the conversation
  • Powered by logic blocks that enable smart functions like data qualification and processing
Examples of Convrs Live Chat message flows with custom forms that enable automated data collection and processing

Speed up turnaround times and stay on top of customer support demands

With the Convrs Chatbot Flow Builder, you can create custom messaging flows based on your customer support needs and deploy them to your Live Chat AI chatbot. Through this chatbot-powered automation, you can take out manual, repetitive tasks from your agents and speed up customer case processing while empowering your team and pulling down business costs.

  • Enable chat routing Automatically send chats to the right agents and teams based on the nature of the message or request.

  • Address FAQs instantly Include answers to frequently asked questions in your message flow to feed them to customers instantly upon demand.
  • Power a 24/7 help desk Boot round-the-clock customer support with automated smart conversational flows that enable instant responses and self-service

Want to learn more?

Book a demo or view more solutions for Customer Service
An illustration of the automated flow of a chat being routed to the corresponding team based on the nature of the message

Streamline the sales cycle and boost sales conversions

According to a study, more than half of customers are likely to abandon their online purchases if they can’t find quick answers to their questions. One way of preventing this from happening to your business is by offering instant messaging over live chat as a messaging channel for quick and reliable customer support. This of course can be enabled through the Convrs Omnichannel Live Chat tool along with other preferred messaging apps. With custom chatbots from Convrs, you can power your Live Chat channel to:

  • Shorten the sales cycle by providing instant and guided support, encouraging customers to close a purchase with a smoother path to purchase.

  • Turn website visitors into leads by integrating sign-up forms in chatbot messaging flows, automating data capture.
  • Reduce website bounce rate by addressing and resolving questions in real-time, increasing engagement.

Want to learn more?

Book a demo or view more solutions for Sales
Forex inbox logo - connecting people to business by messaging

Do more for your business with Live Chat powered by Convrs

Maximize Live Chat as a messaging channel for Customer Support, Sales, and Marketing with smart tools from Convrs
Omnichannel Live Chat
Allow your customers to easily and readily reach you via instant messaging on Live Chat, popular messaging apps, and SMS.
Omnichannel Inbox
Manage all messages from Live Chat and the rest of your messaging channels in just one centralized inbox.
Chatbot Flow Builder
Set custom flows to your AI chatbots to automate lead generation, qualification, agent introduction, notifications, answers to FAQs, and more.
Convrs API
Connect your Live Chat messaging with your CRM and existing tech stack,ensuring synced customer data that enable efficient and personalized messaging.

Integrate Live Chat seamlessly with you internal system and CRM

Enjoy in-sync data across systems and messaging channels with the Convrs API
Convrs API - connecting people to businesses by messaging integrated with Salesforce

Why choose Convrs?

We are driven to help you achieve and further business and customer success
About Us
1Smart & Innovative Solutions

We pursue innovations rooted in creating simple and smart solutions that take away all things complicated. And all this is to help businesses like yours achieve streamlined processes that produce optimum results.

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2Reliable Customer Support

We find ways to serve you the best way we can always. From clarifying questions and setting up functionalities to resolving technical issues, be assured of adept service from our team of experts.

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3Collaborative Partnerships

We work together with our partners and hear each other out. We make it a point to understand your business, goals, and needs clearly and deeply so we can work well on providing the right solutions for you.

Enable smooth and efficient customer experiences with Live Chat as part of your omnichannel messaging strategy

Go converse today