Why You Should Boost Your Email Strategy with WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp | August 6, 2024
Businesswoman using Email Marketing and WhatsApp Marketing to engage with customers

Are your email campaigns failing to get the engagement you need? It may be high time to boost your strategy with WhatsApp Marketing. Despite the effectiveness of email marketing, it often faces challenges like low open rates and lack of immediate engagement. By incorporating email marketing with WhatsApp, your business can enhance customer engagement and drive better results.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective method for reaching customers with detailed content. Boasting high reach, this allows businesses to connect with a large audience. However, this comes with its own set of challenges and strengths.

The Limitations of Email Marketing
  • Spam Filters
  • Dealing with spam filters is one of the most significant challenges of email marketing. Marketing emails often get caught in filters that separate unwanted or potentially harmful emails from legitimate ones. This results in emails being put in the spam folder, where they are unlikely to be seen by customers.

  • Low Open Rates
  • Even if emails make it past spam filters, getting recipients to open them is another hurdle. With the average parson receiving dozens of emails daily, a business’ marketing messages can easily get lost in the clutter. The average email open rate hovers around 18%, meaning a significant portion of customers never see a business’ email content.

  • Delayed Responses
  • Email communication is not always conducive to immediate engagement. People typically check their emails at specific times of the day, resulting in delays in receiving and responding to messages. Delayed responses can lead to frustrated and unsatisfied customers, especially when the norm is instant communication.

The Strengths of Email Marketing
  • High Reach
  • Email marketing allows businesses to reach a broad audience efficiently. Once businesses have built an email list, they can send messages to thousands of recipients, making it a cost-effective way to communicate with a large group of people.

  • Potential for Detailed and Long-Form Content
  • Email is an excellent medium for sharing detailed and long-form content. Email marketing allows for in-depth communication, making it ideal for content such as:

    • Newsletters
    • Product updates
    • Case studies
    • White papers

Why WhatsApp Marketing?

Combining email marketing with WhatsApp can elevate your customer engagement strategy. While email marketing is excellent for delivering detailed and comprehensive content, it often faces challenges like low open rates and delayed responses, as previously mentioned. Meanwhile, WhatsApp excels in immediate and highly engaging communication. With the integration of these two powerful platforms, your business can leverage the strengths of both to create more effective and dynamic marketing strategies.

  • High Open and Engagement Rates
  • WhatsApp boasts an impressive 98% average open rate for messages, far more than email marketing. This makes WhatsApp a powerful tool for immediate and effective communication. Messages sent through WhatsApp are more likely to be seen, read, and engaged with.

  • Large User Base
  • With 2.7 billion monthly active users, WhatsApp offers a vast potential reach. WhatsApp’s massive user base ensures that a business’s messages can connect with a wide audience.

  • Personalized Communication
  • While email marketing can sometimes feel impersonal, WhatsApp allows for a more intimate and direct connection with users. WhatsApp allows for direct, personalized interactions with customers. The one-on-one communication from WhatsApp fosters deeper connections and more meaningful engagement. With the WhatsApp Business API, businesses can tailor messages to the customer, making interactions feel unique and relevant.

  • Two-Way Engagement
  • Compared to email, which often feels like a one-sided communication channel when it comes to marketing messages, WhatsApp fosters more two-way engagement. WhatsApp encourages conversations, allowing customers to easily respond and interact with businesses.

  • Rich Media Content
  • WhatsApp supports interactive and multimedia messages, enhancing the customer experience. Businesses can send images, videos, and even interactive buttons, making communications more engaging and memorable.

  • Real-Time and Consolidated Communication
  • One of the most significant advantages of WhatsApp is its capability to communicate in real-time. For use cases such as customer support, order updates, or promotional messages, businesses can ensure that their messages are delivered and seen almost instantly through WhatsApp. This makes it a good platform for time-sensitive communication and maintaining customer satisfaction. Another benefit is that with WhatsApp, all communication is contained in a single thread. This makes it easier for customers to review and navigate messages from a business.

Integrating WhatsApp with Email Marketing

Integrating the two powerful platforms of WhatsApp and Email Marketing can help businesses leverage the strengths of both platforms to create a more effective and dynamic marketing approach.

  • Enhanced Reach and Engagement
  • Combining WhatsApp with email marketing can significantly increase overall reach and engagement. While emails provide detailed content, WhatsApp ensures immediate visibility and interaction. When combined, businesses can leverage the strengths of both platforms.

  • Complementary Strengths
  • Businesses can take a balanced approach to communication, maximizing both immediacy from WhatsApp and the ability to deliver detailed information from email marketing. For example, businesses can send a comprehensive product catalog via email and follow up with a quick WhatsApp message to highlight key offers or updates.

How Businesses Can Maximize Email Marketing with WhatsApp API Features

The WhatsApp Business API is a powerful tool that offers a rich set of features to streamline communication and enhance customer engagement. Once integrated with business messaging platforms like Convrs, companies gain access to this comprehensive suite of tools, enabling them to maximize their outreach and engagement efforts. By integrating these features with email marketing, businesses can create a robust multi-channel strategy.

WhatsApp Automation

Business utilizing WhatsApp Automation to send follow up messages to customers after an email marketing campaign

WhatsApp Automation refers to the use of automated messaging tools and systems to send pre-defined WhatsApp messages to customers based on specific triggers or schedules. This enhances the way businesses interact with customers by streamlining follow-ups and maintaining engagement without manual effort.

  • Seamless Follow-Ups
  • Automated WhatsApp messages can be made to send follow-ups after an email campaign, ensuring customers who haven’t seen or engaged with the email are informed and prompted to do so through WhatsApp. This ensures higher engagement rates as customers are reached on multiple platforms.

  • Customer Engagement
  • WhatsApp Automation allows for personalized engagement at scale. Businesses can send customized messages based on customer behavior, preferences, and past interactions, leading to higher conversion rates and satisfied customers.

    WhatsApp automated messages can be sent throughout the customer journey or at specific customer milestones, ensuring communication is timely and relevant. For instance, automated messages can be triggered by actions such as completing a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. This helps marketing teams cover all bases to reduce the risk of missing out on potential engagement opportunities.

  • Complementary to Email Marketing
  • While email provides detailed content and information, WhatsApp Automation ensures that customers can consistently engage customers with timely reminders and updates. This results in enhanced overall marketing campaign effectiveness.

    For example, following an email newsletter, automated WhatsApp messages can be sent to highlight specific sections, such as a new blog post or a special offer, directing traffic back to the website.

Read our blog post “WhatsApp Automation for Marketers” to learn more about WhatsApp Automation!

WhatsApp Bulk Messaging

Business using WhatsApp Bulk messaging to follow up after an email marketing campaign

WhatsApp Bulk Messaging can be a powerful tool for delivering timely updates and promotions to a large audience.

  • Timely Updates
  • WhatsApp Bulk Messaging allows businesses to quickly inform their audience about time-sensitive promotions, product launches, and more, ensuring messages are delivered and seen promptly.

  • Enhanced Outreach
  • When used with email campaigns, WhatsApp Bulk Messages ensures that the message reaches a broader audience. Customers who may have missed the email can be reached through WhatsApp, maximizing the campaign’s impact.

  • Consistent Messaging
  • By coordinating WhatsApp Bulk Messaging with email marketing, businesses can keep consistent communication across platforms, reinforcing the campaign’s key points and increasing the likelihood of customer engagement.

To learn more about WhatsApp Bulk Messaging, read our blog “How to Send Bulk Messages with WhatsApp Business API” now!

WhatsApp Interactive Features

Business using WhatsApp Interactive Features to follow up an email marketing message about their summer sale

WhatsApp Interactive Features such as list messages, quick reply buttons, and media sharing, can significantly drive engagement alongside email marketing initiatives. This is how:

  • List Messages and Reply Buttons
  • These features allow customers to interact with messages easily, making it simple for customers to make selections or respond to prompts. This interactivity can enhance engagement and provide valuable feedback.

  • Media Sharing
  • WhatsApp’s ability to share multimedia, such as images, videos, and documents, can enhance the customer experience by providing more engaging and informative content, complementing email marketing by offering visual and dynamic elements.

  • Driving Engagement
  • By incorporating interactive features into WhatsApp messages, businesses can encourage customers to take immediate action, such as making a purchase, booking an appointment, or providing feedback.

AI Chatbots and Chatbot Flow Builder

AI Chatbots and the Chatbot Flow Builder are powerful tools that can significantly enhance your email marketing strategy by providing seamless and efficient customer interactions. These features enable businesses to automate routine tasks, offer personalized support, and maintain high levels of customer engagement.

What are AI Chatbots?

AI Chatbots are automated systems designed to interact with customers using natural language processing and machine learning. They can handle a wide range of tasks such as answering FAQs.

What is the Chatbot Flow Builder?

The Chatbot Flow Builder is a tool that allows businesses to design custom chatbot flows, enabling businesses to create tailored interactions that align with their specific needs.

  • Enhanced Customer Support
  • AI Chatbots provides instant responses to customer inquiries, ensuring that customers receive timely and accurate information. With the integration of the Chatbot Flow Builder, businesses can design and deploy custom flows tailored to their specific support needs.

  • 24/7 Availability
  • AI Chatbots ensure customer support is always accessible by being available around the clock, the Chatbot Flow Builder enhances this by allowing businesses to automate complex workflows, ensuring that support processes continue to run smoothly even outside of business hours.

  • Reduced Operational Costs
  • AI Chatbots reduces the need for a large team of human agents by automating routine tasks, this leads to significant cost savings. The Chatbot Flow Builder amplifies these savings by enabling businesses to automate more complex processes and workflows, reducing the burden on agents further.


Integrating WhatsApp Marketing with your email marketing strategy can significantly enhance overall campaign effectiveness. While email marketing excels in delivering detailed and comprehensive content, it often struggles with limitations such as low open rates, and delayed responses. However, WhatsApp offers real-time communication that is highly engaging to overcome the limitations.

Boosting your email marketing strategy with WhatsApp Marketing provides you with an opportunity to get a leg up on competitors. Embracing this integrated approach can transform your marketing efforts, drive better results, and build stronger connections with your audience.

Want to try out WhatsApp Marketing along with your email strategy? Book a free, no-commitment demo or sign up for a free trial today!

5 min read

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