WhatsApp Marketing for Travel & Hospitality

Travel & Hospitality | July 12, 2024
Traveler using WhatsApp

The travel and hospitality industry are all about providing great service and experience for customers and a big part of this is creating genuine connections that keep customers coming back. One key problem businesses like travel agencies and hotels deal with is how limited and inefficient marketing can be. The solution is to engage with customers in an immediate and personal way, in channels where they are most active. WhatsApp is an ideal platform for this approach.

With WhatsApp Marketing, businesses can transform the way they interact with customers and meet them where they are – on their phones – and engage in real-time. In this blog post, we’ll be delving into the power of messaging for travel and hospitality businesses.

Travel and Hotel Marketing

The Challenges of Traditional Marketing

The Travel and Hospitality industry puts much weight into timely and personalized service which often means that relying on traditional marketing methods like email and phone calls can be a source of frustration for both businesses and customers. This leads to missed opportunities and dissatisfied customers. The challenges and limitations some businesses face include:

  • Limited Reach
  • Traditional methods rely on customers being available and willing to engage at that moment. Simply relying on a social media presence or ads can be effective but doesn't guarantee a meaningful connection. These methods often fail to reach customers who may not be actively looking for information or who miss the message due to timing.

  • Limited Engagement
  • Advertisements and social media posts often lack the interactive and engaging elements that modern consumers look for, resulting in passive engagement that misses the opportunity to create deeper interactions. The direct approach messaging offers ensures timely and personal engagement, significantly increasing the chances of making a lasting connection.

  • Impersonal Touch
  • While phone calls are direct, they can often feel intrusive and negatively impact the customer experience. Messaging apps offer a more personal and less intrusive way to communicate, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Businesses can offer more engaging, timely, and personalized interactions by addressing these limitations through instant messaging apps like WhatsApp. By doing so, this better meets the customers’ expectations and improves satisfaction.

How Messaging Can Help Travel & Hotel Businesses

It has become an everyday occurrence to check instant messaging apps, and WhatsApp is one of the key messaging platforms for billions of users worldwide (over 2.7 billion monthly active users to be exact!). This presents a unique opportunity for businesses to tap into a platform where their customers are already active and engaged.

Benefits of Using WhatsApp for Travel and Hotel Marketing

For Travel and Hospitality businesses like travel agencies and hotels, WhatsApp offers numerous advantages that can significantly enhance customer engagement and streamline operations.

  • High Open Rates
  • The most standout benefit of WhatsApp is its impressive 98% open rate; this means that nearly every message sent to the businesses' audience is seen and read.

    Compared to email open rates, using WhatsApp increases customer interaction and conversation rates, all while ensuring marketing messages such as promotions, updates, and announcements get the attention businesses strive for.

  • Enhanced Engagement with Interactive Features
  • WhatsApp has interactive features such as quick reply buttons and list messages that can greatly enhance customer engagement. These features allow customers to interact with a business’s messages easier, leading to higher response rates. For example, businesses can use quick reply buttons for booking confirmations.

    WhatsApp message from a travel agency with WhatsApp interactive features quick reply buttons
  • Multimedia Capabilities
  • While businesses can use images for their social media, ads, and other marketing channels, the multimedia capabilities paired with the interactive features that WhatsApp brings to the table create rich, engaging conversations that convert.

    WhatsApp message sent by hotel chain with picture of their rooms for promotion

    For example, businesses can send images of their hotel rooms, give virtual tours of travel packages, or provide quick video guides on local attractions. Multimedia messages can make communication more dynamic and appealing, standing out from the competition.

  • Personalized Interactions
  • WhatsApp allows businesses to communicate in real-time with messages tailored specifically to each customer, creating a more personal and engaging experience. Businesses can personalize messages based on the following:

    • Customer information & preferences
    • Previous interactions
    • Behavioral data
  • Global Reach
  • WhatsApp has a global presence that allows businesses to connect with their customers worldwide with seamless and efficient communication. For businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry, this is particularly beneficial as it makes reaching an international audience possible.

  • Instant Customer Support
  • WhatsApp provides a platform for instant and efficient customer support. Customers can easily message their queries, complaints, or feedback, and businesses can respond promptly. This real-time two-way conversation can boost overall service quality and customer satisfaction.

WhatsApp Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism

What is WhatsApp Marketing?

WhatsApp Marketing involves using the WhatsApp platform to create personalized marketing campaigns. WhatsApp Marketing allows businesses to craft engaging conversations with features such as bulk messaging, rich media content, and interactive buttons.

How WhatsApp Marketing Can Be Used for Travel & Hotel Marketing
  • Customer Engagement
  • Send personalized messages, updates, and promotions directly to customers. For example, a hotel could engage previous guests by sending special offers based on their past stays.

    WhatsApp Marketing message sent by hotel with a special discount promotion
  • Booking Confirmations
  • Keep customers informed and reduce no-shows and cancellations by automatically sending booking confirmations and reminders, enhancing customer experience while streamlining operations.

    WhatsApp Marketing message from Travel Agency with booking confirmation message
  • Customer Support
  • Provide instant customer support by addressing queries and resolving issues in real-time through WhatsApp. Being accessible 24/7 can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    Travel Agency using WhatsApp to respond to customer queries in real-time
  • Rich Media
  • Use images, videos, and interactive messages to showcase your services, special offers, and more, creating a more immersive experience for your customers.

Benefits of WhatsApp Marketing

  • Expanded Audience Reach
  • Tap into WhatsApp’s vast user base to reach more potential customers, whether businesses are targeting local travelers or international tourists, WhatsApp allows connecting with a diverse and global audience.

  • Deeper Customer Connections
  • Personalize messaging to build stronger relationships with customers. By understanding and catering to individual preferences, businesses can create more meaningful interactions that foster loyalty and repeat business.

  • Enhanced Customer Experience
  • Deliver richer and more immersive customer experience with WhatsApp’s rich media content and interactive messages. Businesses can use images, videos, and interactive buttons to make more engaging and enjoyable conversations.

Key Features and Tools of WhatsApp Marketing, Powered by Convrs

WhatsApp Automation

WhatsApp Automation uses predefined triggers to send automated messages to customers. This tool ensures consistent and timely communication without the need for human agents to step in.

The Convrs platform enables businesses to set up automated message workflows by integrating the WhatsApp Business API with the business’s CRM or other internal systems. These workflows can send personalized messages based on specific customer actions or behaviors.

Benefits of WhatsApp Automation
  • Personalized Campaigns
  • Automatically send tailored messages based on customer preferences and behaviors, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

    Personalized WhatsApp Marketing message sent by Travel Agency with WhatsApp Automation
  • New Customer Onboarding
  • With WhatsApp Automation, businesses can greet new customers with informative messages that guide them through available services. This enhances the first experience customers have with the business.

    Hotel onboarding new customer through WhatsApp Marketing Messages with WhatsApp Automation
  • Re-engagement Strategies
  • To reduce drop-off rates and rekindle the interest of inactive customers, send automated WhatsApp messages with special offers. An example of this is re-engaging customers who have left items in their cart, encouraging them to complete their purchase through automated WhatsApp messages.

    Hotel re-engaging customers through WhatsApp Marketing messages with WhatsApp Automation
To find out more about WhatsApp Automation and how it can help your business, read our blog WhatsApp Automation for Marketers now!

WhatsApp Bulk Messaging

WhatsApp Bulk Messaging allows businesses to send messages to numerous recipients simultaneously. By using the WhatsApp Business API, businesses can create WhatsApp bulk message templates and send them as bulk messages. For example, businesses can send bulk messages about:

  • Announcements
  • Promotions
  • Updates

With WhatsApp Bulk Messaging, businesses can communicate with a large audience without compromising on personalization. The WhatsApp Business API through the Convrs platform allows for managing and distributing messages to thousands of customers in one go, ensuring high delivery and open rates.

Benefits of WhatsApp Bulk Messaging
  • Build Targeted Audience Lists
  • Businesses can segment their audience based on various criteria such as demographics, preferences, or behavior. This ensures that each bulk message is relevant and resonates with the specific audience segment. For example, travel agencies can send tailored messages to adventure travelers, family vacationers, luxury seekers, and more.

  • Efficient Communication
  • Businesses can quickly disseminate time-sensitive information like flash sales, urgent travel advisories, or special promotions. This is crucial for driving immediate action from customers. For instance, a hotel sending a flash deal for weekend stays.

Explore more about the WhatsApp Business API with WhatsApp Business API vs WhatsApp Business App and learn more about WhatsApp Bulk Messaging with How to Send Bulk Messages with WhatsApp Business API!

WhatsApp Interactive Messages

WhatsApp Interactive Messages enhance customer engagement by incorporating elements like list messages, quick reply buttons, and interactive media, making interactions more dynamic and user-friendly.

Using the WhatsApp Business API, the Convrs Platform enables businesses to create messages that allow customers to interact directly within the chat. This includes selecting options from a list, pressing buttons for quick replies, or engaging with multimedia content.

Benefits of WhatsApp Interactive Messages
  • List Messages and Quick Reply Buttons
  • Businesses can simplify customer interactions by providing pre-set options they can choose from. This is ideal for booking services, making selections, or gathering feedback.

  • Interactive Media Elements
  • Businesses can enhance messages with rich media content like images, videos, and use in-app catalogs to make communication more engaging and visually appealing. For example, a travel agency can send potential clients a video tour of a destination or a hotel could showcase room options and amenities through in-app catalogs.

Other Helpful Tools for Tourism and Hospitality Businesses

AI Chatbots

AI Chatbots are automated virtual assistants, designed to interact with customers via chat. These AI Chatbots use artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to customer inquiries, allowing businesses to:

  • Provide instant and automated responses
  • Efficiently handle customer queries
  • Collect data for personalized interactions
  • Answer FAQs and guide customers through processes such as booking automatically
Benefits of AI Chatbots
  • Instant and Automated Responses
  • AI Chatbots can handle a large volume of queries simultaneously, providing instant answers to common questions like booking details, check-in procedures, or package inclusions.

  • Efficient Query Resolution
  • AI Chatbots free up human staff to focus on more complex issues and improve overall operational efficiency by automating FAQ resolution.

Convrs AI FAQ Solution

The Convrs AI FAQ Chatbot Solution is an AI-powered chatbot that simulates human-like conversations that help by comprehending context and drawing insights from previous interactions, this enhances the overall customer support experience and team efficiency.

Benefits of the AI FAQ Chatbot
  • Instant Information Access
  • Customers can quickly get answers to their questions without waiting for a human agent to be available. For example, a guest can ask a hotel about check-out times, amenities, or reservation policies and receive an accurate response immediately.

  • Guided Conversations
  • The AI FAQ Chatbot helps in providing consistent and reliable information to customers by maintaining relevance and compliance through ensuring discussion remains within approved topics, guiding them through the process.

Omnichannel Inbox

The Omnichannel Inbox is a unified platform where all customer interactions from various communication channels are gathered. These channels can include WhatsApp, SMS, Messenger, and other messaging apps, bringing all customer messages in one place, making it easier to manage and respond to all interactions.

Benefits of the Omnichannel Inbox
  • Seamless Communication Management
  • Having all customer communications in one place ensures that agents don’t miss any messages and provide instant responses. One instance is that if a customer starts a conversation on WhatsApp and follows up via Messenger, an agent can track the entire interaction history in one view.

  • Efficient Workflow
  • The Omnichannel Inbox streamlines communication into one inbox simplifies task management, allowing for faster responses.


WhatsApp Marketing is transforming the travel and hospitality industry by addressing the limitations of traditional marketing methods and offering a more immediate, personalized, and engaging way to connect with customers. WhatsApp enables businesses to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and build stronger relationships.

By leveraging tools like WhatsApp Automation, WhatsApp Bulk Messaging, and Interactive Messages, businesses like travel agencies and hotels can effectively reach a global audience, provide instant customer support, and create memorable interactions that drive loyalty and repeat business.

Embrace the power of WhatsApp to connect with your customers by getting started with Convrs! Start your free trial or book a free, no-commitment demo today.

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